
Successful Treatment Of Low Thyroid Function


By Dr. Angeli Chitale

Upon the recommendation of a colleague, I attended a Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome or WTS training seminar for Doctors in Maui Hawaii, USA. After all, who does not wish to go to Maui in winter? When I returned to Toronto, I started applying what I learnt and patients were flying in from all parts of Canada, seeking treatment.

In clinical practice, I was astounded by the proportion of women suffering from low thyroid conditions. They were undiagnosed or misdiagnosed by MDs and told “it was all in their head”, as they were treated unsuccessfully and suffering ill health. Many women were having fertility issues with conception or pregnancies not completed. Some were suffering from depression, weight gain,  struggling emotionally with low self-esteem and feeling cold and tired. 

Many women were also being treated with antidepressants, anti-anxiolytics, cholesterol lowering drugs, laxatives, and supplements, yet they were getting worse, despite being on thyroid medications such as synthroid or levothyroxone. This is where T3 therapy prescribed by an MD colleague and monitored by me, proved to be the saving grace for these patients.

The women’s health improved and they were symptom free. They were able to get off their medications and T3 therapy in less than 1 year. Sometimes patients were so much improved after one course of treatment that I hardly recognized them in the waiting room. They were happy, well-groomed, lost weight, had better posture and lustre to their skin and hair. They felt better, had energy, slept better and loved life again.

Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome

•  A persistent but reversible slowing of the metabolism
•  Often caused by the stress of illness, injury, or emotional trauma
•  Often worsened in stages with subsequent stress
•  Causes a low body temperature and classic low thyroid symptoms
•  Often no response to rest, diet, exercise or stress avoidance
•  Often shows normal thyroid blood tests
•  Often reversed with a special thyroid treatment

Predisposing Factors

Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome is common for those whose ancestors survived famine, such as Irish, Scot, Welsh, American Indian, Russian and others. Most susceptible of all seem to be those who are part Irish and part American Indian. Under severe circumstances, people of any nationality can develop Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome. About 80% of WTS sufferers are women.

Common Symptoms of Low Thyroid Function

•  Weight gain
•  Dry skin, hair loss
•  Feeling tired, difficulty waking up
•  Depression, anxiety
•  Constipation, elevated Cholesterol
•  Premature ageing, low Libido
•  Fertility issues

Can Low Body Temperature Cause So Many Symptoms?

All chemical reactions that take place in our bodies are activated by enzymes. These are proteins that are dependent upon their shape for their function. When enzymes are not the right shape, they cannot function optimally. Factors affecting enzyme function are temperature, pH, mineral levels and cellular toxicity or metabolic waste accumulation. When the body temperature is too low, nearly all of the enzymes in the body function less effectively. This can cause a very wide variety of complaints.

Temperatures that are just below 98.6 degrees F or 37 degrees C can easily explain a classic set of symptoms. In order to function optimally, the body must be at the optimal temperature as close to 98.6 degrees F or 37 degrees C as possible. Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome, which causes low-thyroid-like symptoms often responds well to treatment with restorative medicine. The temperature and symptoms often recover with proper treatment and they usually remain improved after treatment.

Dr. Chitale has been successfully treating WTS (Wilson’s Temperature Syndrome) since 2003. She also treats infertility and post-partum depression. She may be reached by e-mail at info@mahayahealth.com



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